Saturday, August 28, 2010


Dear Housework,
  We need to have a heart to heart.  Things have been rough for us since the kids came along, I realize that, but your demands are becoming a strain on me.  You've really let yourself go.  You are more dirty and messy than you've ever been and you seem to have grown immensely even though we've moved to a smaller place. 
  If I say I have a headache you just nag and nag at me until I can't fight you off anymore. When I finally give in and give you what you want, you take forever to finish.  And when or if I do finish, you only give me a few seconds to enjoy myself and then you're nagging at me all over again. Oh sure, my friends say once I just get started I'll find it's not that bad or I might even enjoy myself.  But they just don't understand, you have taken everything out of me and you never give anything back.
  Well, I'm sure this hasn't changed anything between us and I probably just pissed you off.  I have a feeling you'll be showing up everywhere now sneaking in right under my nose.  I can just see it now, smears on the walls, smudged light switches and so on.  I can only hope that you take some of this to heart and ease up the pressure you put on me. 
Your slave forever,

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