Monday, February 7, 2011

True beauty

Nadia's favorite movie is Disney's Beauty and the Beast.  She also thinks she has the cutest booty in the world.  She often sticks her butt out and looks over her shoulder at it to admire how cute it is.  The other day she combined the two and sang "tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Booty and the crack!"
She has also become quite smart in her old age.  The other day we had to pick up treats for her birthday party at school and although I didn't think she'd know the answer, I asked her if she knew how many kids were in her class.  She casually answered, "yes, all of them.".  Later the same day we were talking about death because I used the term 'over my dead body' then looked at their innocent little faces and said, "you guys are never going to die are you?  You're just too cute!"  To which Nadia replied, "Mommy, I will die after I've had all my birthdays."

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