Monday, May 3, 2010

FEDEX to the rescue!

Nadia has noticed that we see FedEx trucks everywhere we go.  When I told her they deliver packages she became even more infatuated with them and to her pleasure, they are all over in Fort Collins........
With the help of the Grandparents, we got a 2010 pass to the Denver Zoo.  Today I packed a lunch, packed a wagon, packed the kids and headed out.  We made it there with no problems and had a great day.  I was a little worried about pulling the wagon because it is much heaver to pull than a double stroller is to push but it was the perfect choice for the zoo.  Luka pushed the wagon while I pulled and was able to get in and out as he wanted to when in a stroller he has to be strapped in each time or he'll fall out.
The kids saw a peacock with it's tail feathers in full "bloom" and rode the carousel.  It was a really fun time.
Now the typical Sarah was my first time driving to the zoo by myself and I carefully copied the mapquest directions on a piece of paper before we went.  It was so simple, not at all scary and I never felt lost once.  I decided to just back-track the directions in order to get home and never gave it a second thought.  Shoulda given it a second thought.  As I was looking for the on-ramp to go back on the highway we came on, I couldn't find it.  I made a u-turn and tried again.  Nope, it was an exit-only street. CRAP.
I knew Brad had the GPS in his truck and I have no phone so I was screwed.  I just got back on the highway from whence we came and crossed my fingers.  For miles I passed things I had seen two days earlier when Brad, the kids and I were over here but they were on the wrong side of the car...I was going the wrong direction and I knew it but there were NO exit/entrances on to this stupid highway!  Nadia kept talking to me and reading me her "nap" of the zoo and finally I told her she had to be quiet because mommy was lost and getting a little scared.  After a while she yelled, "look mommy!  A fedex truck!  You happy now?  Now we're not lost!!!"  Cute, made me smile, and I saw a sign that pointed the way to DIA.  I took the exit and knew I could make it home from the airport no matter how far out of the way it was. Tom Hanks lost and got me unlost. (not really, but it did make me smile!)

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This is so funny! This reminds me of the time my husband and I were talking to my mother in law on the cell phone, giving her directions to the airport while she drove. At one point she got nervous and started using a FedEx truck as a landmark. We lost it and almost let her drive all the way to Iowa because we couldn't stop laughing. FedEx trucks make great landmarks because they are always there.
