Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Walking for a cure?

Last Saturday I participated in a Walk to End Alzheimer's.  While walking with Brad and one of his friends we were talking about how we "use" to be.  There was a time in Brad's life that he was very athletic...I use to have a soul.  Brad's friend, who is older and wiser (and has two kids in their 30's) gestured to our kids in the stroller and remarked that 'this' was the stage in life we are in. 
We are parents of young kids, that's what we are. There's no escape.  We all know kids our are going to grow up and be some kind of messed up. As parents we are trying to contain a potential giant mess into a little mess they will be able to neatly take care of in their early twenties.  (Hopefully without a lot of expensive therapy and drugs). The rest of our time is spent trying to keep some sort of spark in a marriage that has two small kids.  A tiny spark can be extinguished pretty damn fast by a midnight session of kid puke in the face!  This stage is going to take over our lives for a few more years and by the time we can concentrate on ourselves we'll be so out of shape that getting back to being some sort of an athlete is going to be difficult to say the least. 
I looked at Brad's friend and said we needed to put together a Walk to End Children...then I realized what I said and changed it to a Walk to Cure Parents.

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